Saturday, March 16, 2013

End of Week 9 Saturday

Well it almost done.  This time next week I will be sitting in my chair, in my house, with my wife and kids, watching something on TV, thinking about my experiences at the NA.  And I will not be hurting like I do right now!!!!

The Yellow Brick Road was supposed to be this past Wednesday.  The YBR is the granddaddy of challenges and the culmination of past challenges.  We found out a couple weeks ago the Marine Corp would be using it on that date so we needed to reschedule.  Our Yellow Brick Road is their E (endurance) course and it belongs to them so as far as rescheduling for Tuesday no big deal right?  Well then last week it snowed...that threw off their schedule.  So that meant we got rescheduled...again.  Session 252 ran the YBR was a blast!

For those that don't know...the YBR is a 6+ mile course.  The first three miles are obstacles and the last three is just a straight up run.  And I when mean straight up I mean straight least that how it starts.  I'll come back to that in a minute.

A quick run down of the obstacles...a 6 foot wall to go over, a couple different windows to go through, down a bank on a rope, then up a rock face on a rope, then down another bank on a rope, then down another bank on a rope, then up yet another bank on a rope, then to a couple obstacles that have 6x6s attached to trees that you climb up and over (guys beware...use your chest to cross over the top, have you ever straddled a 6x6 with your feet not touching the ground?), then we have our first "slick" log that's about 5 feet off the ground.  This log is parallel to the earth and if you don't hit it just right your body is going under it instead of over it and you're landing on your back.  Then there's the bear pit, it's basically a small pond under some teepee looking logs...have I mentioned yet that it was 28 degrees when we started?  Then we come to great cargo net...climb up one side on the net, reach the top, grab the other side over the top and flip yourself over to land on your back...that was cool!  Then there's a couple different sets of walls that you have to wind yourself through in a serpentine type run.  Then a set of 5 parallel, slick logs that start off about 3 feet off the ground and they are about 3 feet apart, the ground slowly drops off as you move further into the obstacle, watch out for the last one.  Then there are a couple more 6x6 walls to climb up and over.  This is the only place that I heard where someone got hurt.  Last I heard they completed the challenge and then went to the hospital to be checked out.  Good job to whoever that was and I hope you recover quickly!!

After the climb over the 6x6s there's another parallel log to clear.  It's 4.5 feet or so off the ground.  I jumped it first and cleared it.  My running partner this morning, Steve...well let's just say he doesn't have much of a vertical jump...Sorry Steve, but I'm glad you didn't get hurt!  Then there's the low crawl under barbwire...again, another small pond.  That pretty much finishes it up for the first three miles.

Remember the straight up run?  Welcome to "Cardiac Hill."  I will say, at least for Georgia, the law would probably not allow you to run radar on this section of the roadway because of the steep grade and it's not a very short hill either.  From there it's a nice little run through the countryside, with a few rolling hills here and there back to where we started just outside the Academy.

Everyone was glad to have completed this last challenge.  Just 9 weeks ago it seemed like it was so far away it would never get here.  I heard it in several voices afterwards..."Hey!!, we did it, we finished it!!!"  But at the same time I heard some voice inflections saying "hey, it's over, we're done, we don't have that to look forward to anymore, our time here is almost up."  I'm not really sure how to describe it other than it was a joyous celebration, but also a somber reminder that our time here is almost over.  Don't get me wrong...I am definitely ready to get out of here, but at the same time I'm going to miss a lot of the people that I have gotten to know and have come to call friends.  I wish them all great success in whatever they choose to do in their life and in their career!!

The coming Monday and Tuesday will finish up our classes with finals and whatever presentations some of us may have left to complete.  Wednesday and Thursday will be various administrative functions, graduation practice, etc.  Then Friday morning at 10am Graduation ceremonies will begin.  By noontime I should be on the road headed back to my babies.

I'll probably check back in with you one last time on Thursday, but till then...Be Safe!


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Week 8 Wednesday

Woke up this morning to about 6 inches of snow, continuing snowfall, and an email telling us that the base was closed and to report to our homerooms at 9am.  So far so extra hour of sleep.  Reported to the homerooms where our FBI NA 252 golf shirts were handed out along with a few other small things, discussion about upcoming section events and we're done for the day right? 

Somebody in the session, in their infinite wisdom, decided that there needed to be a volunteer Challenge run of the 5 miles.  We were supposed to do that anyway this morning, but with the base closing we were told that there would not be an "official" challenge and we would need to do it on our own.  About this time I'm thinking these folks are crazy...not only is there 6 inches of snow on the ground, it's continuing to fall very heavily!!!  I see a few folks headed toward the locker room with their running gear.  "Harry, you coming?"  "NO!" was my response with a few other words added for effect.  Until I see my roommate and one of my suitemates headed in that direction and they are asking.  At this point I'm in a I go back to my nice cozy, warm room and wait out the snow and get my 5 miles in later?  And suffer the wrath of my roommate and suitemate for the remaining 2.5 weeks?  Or do I join the knuckleheads and get it done...well just call me a knuckle head I guess.  That was the first and quite possibly the last time I will ever run 5 miles at one time.  Oh, and did I mention it was snowing a blizzard? and it was uphill both ways?  After the first three miles I guess my body became numb and it couldnt tell I was still running!  Everyone was done in about 60 minutes!

Anyway, I'm sitting here in my dorm room thinking about how bad my body is going to hurting.  But at the same time thinking...I'm glad I went.  I came here for a once in a lifetime experience and as far as I'm concerned that will be a once in a lifetime experience!! 

Week 8 and I'm still meeting new people.  For anyone that may be in the position to experience the National Academy, push yourself and make it happen.  Eight weeks away from family and friends has been quite difficult and I have no plans of doing anything like it in the future, but I will not trade the experience for anything!!

I think I'm going back to bed now!

Till next time...Be Safe!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week 8 Sunday

Well this weekend has been busy!  I completed my 34 mile swim on Friday!!!! Looks like there are about 65 people that are working on their bluebrick.  I was the 27th person to complete the 34 miles.  I am so glad to be done with that.  I will admit though my freestyle stroke has greatly improved.  I started the first night I was here.  I think it took me about an hour and 15 minutes to swim that half mile.  And as I reached each end of the pool I would end up walking the last 10-15 feet.  I finished Friday with my last mile.  That mile took me about 45 minutes.  Several 1.5 miles were done in that 34 and those would take me about a hour and 15 minutes.  Now I just need to put in a pool when I get home!

It has been fairly quiet around here this weekend.  Just about everyone that I have talked with has been busy trying to finish up all their papers, projects and presentations; me included.  I have spent pretty much the entire weekend working on my stuff.  I am just about done with everything.  I have a one page paper to do for PT class and a group presentation powerpoint to finish; my part is done and I'm just waiting for everyone else's info.  Tom on the other hand, still has several things to complete...poor guy. 

Three weeks to go....can't get done fast enough!

Till next time...Be Safe!